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Главная » 2008 » Март » 11 » Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.5.5

Обеспечивает деинсталляцию приложений, установленных на вашем компьютере. Он служит заменой стандартному диалогу Добавить/Удалить программу Windows. При этом работает приблизительно в 5-10 раз быстрее. Может показывать соответствующие значки приложений. Имеется функция поиска приложения по ключевому слову. Advanced Uninstaller PRO автоматически обнаруживает неисправные ключи реестра и полностью удаляет их по вашему разрешению. Возможно ручное удаление записей об установленных программах из системного реестра.

Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can uninstall all of these files, folders, and programs.

Uninstalling a program is as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO's built-in Startup Manager gives you control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows, and offers you detailed information about each of them, including advice about what the program does and whether you should disable it. Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes a huge knowledge base containing startup program descriptions, giving you the ability to distinguish between essential Windows components that you want to keep, and dangerous spyware programs that you want to remove.

To protect your privacy, the Quick Cleaner performs a one-step removal of the data on your computer that tells other people what you've been doing. It can safely delete the list of Internet pages that you have visited, the web addresses that you have typed, the Internet cookies that were written to your hard drive when you visited web sites, and the recently opened files lists for more than 100 applications, including Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, etc.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO makes it easy to remove all damaged Start Menu shortcuts, to hide or show them at any time, and to alphabetically sort the entire Start Menu. The program can find and delete temporary files left behind by Windows, Internet Explorer, and other applications. You can also tweak Internet Explorer configuration settings, manage and uninstall fonts, uninstall unwanted Control Panel applets, and perform other system tasks efficiently.

The latest release also contains a powerful Registry cleaner, defragmenter and optimizer which will help you keep your Registry fast, clean, and easily accessible by all programs. There is also a Registry backup utility that lets you easily back up and restore this important system file when it gets damaged or lost.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO runs under Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT4 / 2000 / XP, and may be purchased securely online by following the link on top of this page.

Категория: Программы | Просмотров: 437 | Добавил: Processor | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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